EOHLC is seeking to create an SHPF to support the production of permanent supportive housing1 . As outlined in the Affordable Homes Act, “The fund shall be administered by the executive office directly or through contracts with 1 or more of the following administering agencies: (i) the Community Economic Development Assistance Corporation, established in chapter 40H; (ii) the Massachusetts Housing Partnership Fund, established in section 35 of chapter 405 of the acts of; or (iii) the Massachusetts Housing Finance Agency, established in chapter 708 of the acts of 1966; provided, that an administering agency may directly offer financial assistance for the purposes pursuant to this section or may enter into subcontracts with non-profit organizations established pursuant to chapter 180 for those purposes; and provided further, that the administering agency may establish additional program requirements through regulations or policy guidelines. There shall be credited to the fund: (i) revenue from appropriations or other money authorized by the general court and specifically designated for the fund; (ii) any gifts, grants, private contributions, repayment of loans, fees and charges imposed relative to the making of loans, grants, subsidies, credit enhancements and other financial assistance; (iii) any investment income earned on the