Materials: Bituminous Materials listed in two (2) categories (Stored / Delivered). Refinery weight tickets showing empty and loaded weight at the refinery and time in/out will be required before acceptance of any delivery. Tickets must be in possession of each driver at the time of delivery. Specifications: Bituminous material will meet the requirements of the Missouri Standard Specifications, 1999, Section 1015. The Pettis County Road & Bridge Superintendent or designated representative will approve all delivered material. Conditions: Pettis County reserves the right to reject or accept all bids. Your company must submit a bid to be placed on the approved list for your product and services. Pettis County will accept current bituminous material product prices. The Bidder with the lowest price for the amount needed will be awarded that day’s product request. The bid prices should be stated in “price per gallon”. Please state any additional charges not included.