The City of Statesville requests the services of a qualified and experienced engineering firm or firms with considerable public-sector experience serving governmental clients. Services needed and/or potentially needed to ensure compliance with federal, state, and local regulations include, but are not limited to: • Subdivision and site plan review for compliance with Public Works, Public Utilities and Stormwater regulations for the Technical Review Committee (TRC) including site plan, concept plan, grading only, sketch plan, major subdivision, multi-family, preliminary plat, construction documents, final plat; • Stormwater as-built review; • NPDES Phase II coordination and assistance with Phase II Permit renewal including support with drafting SOPs, assistance with the audit of the City’s Stormwater Program, and assistance with drafting and submitting new Stormwater Management Plan through new permit issuance; • support for the rewrite of the City’s Stormwater Ordinance (currently underway) and updates to the City of Statesville Drainage Design Manual and all associated forms, applications and checklists (pertaining specifically to consistency with new UDC changes, once complete); • general engineering services on an as-needed basis.