All sites are to be kept in a lawn-like appearance and care shall be taken to maintain a uniform level of cut and avoid scalping. The height of the mowing shall be between 3 and 4 inches unless otherwise directed by the City of Johnson City String trimming shall be done concurrently with mowing and shall be done as close as practical to all fixed objects including all trees, shrubs, sign posts, utility poles, utility structures, guardrails, curbs, hydrants, fences, ditch lines, drainage structures, earth berms, delineators, bridge abutments, bridge piers, wildflower plots, landscaped areas, and any other obstacle as required. String trimming shall be performed along all sidewalk edges, joints, and curbs in such a manner to provide a neat, clean edge. String trimming shall include the front of the curb / gutter to the edge of pavement so that no vegetation is present between the roads edge and the curb / gutter. String trimming shall include all areas within and around a ditch as well as around pipe inlet/outlet structures Slopes at bridge abutments and other steep areas not mowable with equipment MUST be cut by hand each cycle...