Western Maryland Hospital Center (WMHC), located in Hagerstown, Washington County, Maryland, is an integral part of the health system of the State of Maryland. The WMHC is one (1) of two (2) regional chronic/long-term care hospital centers administered by the Maryland Department of Health (MDH), State Hospital Administration. Western Maryland Hospital Center (WMHC) services the residents of the State of Maryland who require in-hospital treatment programs for their illness(es) or condition. Western Maryland Hospital Center provides continuous and intensive medical, and rehabilitative care to an average daily inpatient population of fifty-five (55) medically complex patients whose severity of illness or injury requires a chronic level of care with diagnoses including stroke, spinal cord injuries and traumatic brain injury. Patients require frequent physician interventions, nursing assessments, and ongoing coordination of rehabilitation services to achieve their maximum level of independence and discharge to home or the least restrictive environment if a home is not possible. This high level of care includes patients requiring life support such as ventilators.