1 Required Item M 26-3 Frisker Part # 48-4232 M 26-3 Frisker 0-1000mR/hr Item must be exact. No substitutions. See attached for detailed specifications. ADPH reserves the right to not award based on budget restrictions. Questions: Contact Jerome Coleman at 334-206-6258 or Cason Coan at 334-290-6244. Part # 48-4232 M 26-3 Frisker 0-1000mR/hr 8985560 - RADIATION MONITORING EQUIPMENT, INCLUDING PARTS AND ACCESSORIES. 5.00 Each M 26-3 Frisker Specs.pdf 2 Required Item Check Source Item # 01-5196 Source-CS137 37 kBq 1uC^ Item must be exact. No substitutions. See attached for detailed specifications. ADPH reserves the right to not award based on budget restrictions. Questions: Contact Jerome Coleman at 334-206-6258 or Cason Coan at 334-290-6244. Item # 01-5196 Source-CS137 37 kBq 1uC^ 8985560 - RADIATION MONITORING EQUIPMENT, INCLUDING PARTS AND ACCESSORIES. 3.00 Each