Bidders must provide a quote for: Rapid PPM: 1. Configure Project Online, Views, Security, Fields and 2. Build a Simple SharePoint Site Template 3. Update Enterprise Global.mpt for Project Desktop Conformance 4. Configure or Update Power BI Report Pack with Changes Needed 5. Light PM Training Workshop Only or Train the Trainer on what to cover and what to line out for training 6. Complete Project Level and Details Level Configurations (started with Training) 7. Provide Coaching for Rapid PPM Build for Agency’s Administrative Team; Continued Assistance / Support for Project Online 1. Provide Additional Support for Project Online and M365 Environment 2. Time / Cost: 20 hours; Portfolio Analyzer: Structured in-person/remote training over three workshops focused on the total impact to all of Agency’s environments, fields, reports, processes as well as working with Leadership team to help line out Drivers and Portfolios. 1. Workshop One - Focus on Business Drivers 2. Workshop Two - Focus on the Projects and Resources 3. Workshop Three - Focus on Project Analyses...