Bids are requested for 40% liquid sodium permanganate for taste and odor control at the tap of the City of Minneapolis water consumers. The bid is to furnish the 40% sodium permanganate (NaMnO4) for a six-month period beginning March 10, 2025. Product is to be delivered in Intermediate Bulk Containers (“Totes”) of 330 (three hundred thirty) gallon capacity unless prior authorization is given. Product shall be of domestic manufacture unless prior authorization is given. The product to be supplied, the handling, packing, shipping, and testing thereof, except where otherwise herein specified, shall conform to accepted industry standards. The product shall possess ANSI/NSF Standard 60 certification. The product must comply with AWWA standards B603-23 as applicable (latest versions). Quantities in this specification are presented as total gallons of products. Over the six-month period, the initial quantity required is to be up to 2,000 gallons with an option purchase up to 5800 gallons. The actual total amount will be contingent upon treatment plants’ production rates and operating conditions.