All woody material over 2-inch diameter, boles and branches will be cut and piled at pre-determined locations on-site. Branches under 2-inch diameter do not need to be piled. Project Supervisor will work with the awarded contractor to determine the pile site locations. Pile locations are to be within the designated work area. Piles will be as large and tightly packed as possible. All standing woody vegetation less than 2 inches tall will be mowed and mulched. Excessive soil must be removed from root balls before piling. Soil/sod is not allowed in the piles. Stumps 6 inches or greater in diameter will be treated with Garlon, Vastlan, or another herbicide approved by the Project Supervisor. It is the contractor’s responsibility to repair any rutting or damage to the ground surface of the project area and/or rightof-way. Any equipment left on site must be secured and is the sole responsibility of the contractor