The Consultant will work with staff from the City of Wichita Falls in the preparation of the Consolidated Plan, Action Plan, and Analysis of Impediments to Fair Hosing to be submitted to HUD by August 16, 2025. The scope of work for the Consolidated Plan will include the following elements: • Executive Summary • Housing & Homeless Needs Assessment • Housing & Market Analysis • Five-Year Strategic Plan to address the identified housing and community development needs • Anti-poverty Strategy to reduce affordable housing barriers • Update to the Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing • One-Year Action Plan for CDBG funds to implement the Strategic Plan for 2025 • Community Focus Groups for Public Participation The consultant will review and tabulate data and information supplied by the City, HUD, the U.S. Census Bureau, sub-grantees and input from citizens to complete the required Consolidated Plan components per HUD regulations including all required charts, tables and maps. The product must be provided in a digitized format that is ready for posting on the City’s website and for submission to HUD.