SCOPE OF WORK: The Project is generally described as: Renovation to classroom 6 which includes the following works but not necessarily limited to: 1. Modifications to the existing lavatory plumbing in the adjacent restroom to connect the new plumbing of the changing table. Work shall also include coring through the existing restroom wall to install all necessary plumbing lines to pass through to the adjoining teachers’ workroom. 2. Remove, salvage, modify, and reinstall the existing security gate adjacent to the changing table. Work shall also include the removal of the low wall partition, patching of the adjacent wall and floor finishes as needed to match with the existing adjacent surfaces. 3. Installation of a new changing table with sink in the teachers’ workroom and connect all plumbing lines required for a functioning changing table sink. 4. Installation of 4-ft high chain link fence and gates around the toddler play yard. 5. Construction start date is July 12, 2025 and completion date is August 11, 2025 (29 calendar days). School reopens on August 11, 2025.