2.1. OBJECTIVES: It is the intent of this Invitation to Bid by Burnet County to establish pricing for TXDOT ITEM 8013 HOT-MIX COLD-LAID ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT (MATERIAL ONLY) from qualified bidders all in accordance with Bid Conditions, Specifications, and/or Special Provisions attached. 2.2. SCOPE OF WORK: 2.2.1 The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) publication: "Standard Specifications For Construction And Maintenance Of Highways, Streets, And Bridges", Adopted by the Texas Department of Transportation, September 1, 2024, is incorporated herein, and made a part hereof, by reference. These referenced specifications and TxDOT Item 8013 HotMix Cold-Laid Asphalt Concrete Pavement (Material Only) shall be considered the specifications for this bid. In the event of conflicts among these bid requirements and the TxDOT Standard Specifications, these bid requirements shall prevail. 2.2.2 Testing reports shall be submitted to County Commissioners if so requested. 2.2.3 Bidders taking exception to the specifications, or offering substitutions, shall state these exceptions in an attachment as part of the response. The absence of such a list shall indicate that the responder has not taken exception.