These specifications are intended to set forth requirements for a twenty-four month Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (ID/IQ) master agreement for the purchase of cement treated base (CTB), rebase and super slurry products. An ID/IQ term agreement is established when quantities of goods or services and/or delivery schedules cannot be determined. Goods or services shall be ordered on an as needed basis for the term of the agreement. Super Slurry (Liquefied Cement System) is a cementitious slurry system. The system allows the use of various types of hydraulic, Portland, pozzolanic and other cements as well as additional stabilizing agents in soil stabilization, modification, and full depth repair/reclamation (FDR). The slurry mixture is a suspension of cementitious materials and water at specific proportions with admixtures to enhance its physical properties. The stabilized suspension allows the use of cementitious materials where dry applications are not desirable or practical due to air quality, health, safety, and environmental issues for example.