Item 1: Mowing-Bi-Weekly DESCRIPTION: Mow all areas to a uniform height of 3 inches unless directed to do otherwise by the RPM. All grass clippings are to be distributed evenly. Do not discharge clippings onto roadway. Mowers are to perform (2) passes leading grass clippings to the center of island. The goal is to keep all clippings on island and not in the road or in the gutter area. If the 2-pass method cannot be met, a mulch kit shall be installed to ensure clippings aren’t falling into the roadway. Any grass clippings dispersed into the roadway shall be blown back onto the island and evenly dispersed. There shall not be any piles of clippings left at the sites. Trimming is to be performed in and around all areas included in Attachment 5 Tabulation of Quantities. Trimming includes but is not limited to all island areas (including concrete islands), medians, shoulders, interchange areas, curbed traffic divider islands, slope areas, guiderail, utility boxes, fence lines, curb lines, gutter areas, fence posts, traffic signal and sign structures, and all other areas within the right-ofway during each mowing cycle which are included in Attachment 5. The height of vegetation in areas adjacent to curbs shall not exceed the height of the curb. All trimming work will be incidental to this service. Trimming shall be completed around trees including any sprouting suckers. When completing this work be careful to not damage roots, basal areas, or branches of any existing tree. Do not damage any ornamental beds or plantings. PAY ITEM, UNIT OF MEASURE: Acre The payment for the “Mowing” contract item will be based upon Acres the number of acres mowed during a cycle. Mobilization is incidental to this item. Item 2: Mowing-Monthly DESCRIPTION: Mow all areas to a uniform height of not to exceed 4 inches unless directed to do otherwise by the RPM. All grass clippings are to be distributed evenly. Do not discharge clippings onto roadway. Mowers are to perform (2) passes leading grass clippings to the center of island. The goal is to keep all clippings on island and not in the road or in the gutter area. If the 2-pass method cannot be met, a mulch kit shall be installed to ensure clippings aren’t falling into the roadway. Any grass clippings dispersed into the roadway shall be blown back onto the island and evenly dispersed. There shall not be any piles of clippings left at the sites. Trimming is to be performed in and around all areas included in Attachment 5 Tabulation of Quantities. Trimming includes but is not limited to all island areas (including concrete islands), medians, shoulders, interchange areas, curbed traffic divider islands, slope areas, guiderail, utility boxes, fence lines, curb lines, gutter areas, fence posts, traffic signal and sign structures, and all other areas within the right-ofway during each mowing cycle which are included in Attachment 5. The height of vegetation in areas adjacent to curbs shall not exceed the height of the curb. All trimming work will be incidental to this service. Trimming shall be completed around trees including any sprouting suckers. When completing this work be careful to not damage roots, basal areas, or branches of any existing tree. Do not damage any ornamental beds or plantings. PAY ITEM, UNIT OF MEASURE: Acre The payment for the “Mowing” contract item will be based upon Acres the number of acres mowed during a cycle. Mobilization is incidental to this item.