PROVIDE ALL MATERIAL AND INSTALLATION OF 3 NEW HEAT PUMP SPLIT SYSTEM UNITS WHICH INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING: 1. This Contractor will refer to the provided Project Detail attachment along with drawings; “M1 - DPS - Terrell - HVAC Plan” and “DPS - Terrell - COVER - Dec 2000 - M2 - Mechanical Details”. 2. Floor Plan, for orientation and nomenclature for existing and proposed work, is included in the Bid Documents. 3. DEMOLITION: Contractor will provide all labor, materials, and any needed rental equipment to remove and dispose of the existing HVAC System units. The existing units are listed below: (see extent of new work below, everything demolished will be replaced under this contract) a. 1 (One) – Unit #2 – 4-Ton Heat Pump system b. 1 (One) – Unit #3 – 4-Ton Heat Pump system c. 1 (one) - Unit #4 - 4 – Tone Heat Pump System 4. PROPOSED: Contractor will provide all labor, materials, etc. for the installation of new HVAC Equipment, per the following Scope: a. The scope is to replace Three HVAC units like for like. Two 6.5 ton split A/C unit with fan coil and electric heat. Power /Voltage is 208/230 3phase 60hertz. Need new refrigerant line, New control wiring, New disconnect Level existing concrete pad or add new pad as required. Evacuate new lines to 500microns for 5 minutes with DPS employee witness. Proper operation and startup.