Specifications include, but are not limited to: INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS Percentage Discount on your latest Instructional Supplies and Materials Catalog or Price List, items to be included are; Scissors, Glue, Rubber Cement, Super Glue, Tape, Erasers, Dictionaries, Paper Punchers, Construction Paper, Color Pencils, Crayons, Chalk Board Supplies, Markers, Thumb Tacks, Bulletin Board, etc.; TEACHING AND INSTRUCTIONAL AIDES Percentage Discount on your latest Teaching and Instructional Aides Catalog or Price List, items to be included are; Periodic Charts and Tables, Posters, Transparencies, Demonstration Kits, Botany and Zoology Models, Display Kits, Gardening Tools, Soil Testing Instruments, BSCS Books and Equipment Books, Videos CD-ROMs and DVDs.