1. Prepare an ALP with Narrative consistent with the most current FAA Advisory Circulars and Standard Operating Procedures, to include the following sheets: a. Coversheet b. Airport layout drawing c. Data sheet d. Terminal area plan e. Airport airspace drawing f. Inner portion of the approach surface drawing g. On-airport land use drawing h. Off-airport land use drawing i. Airport property map (Exhibit A) j. Runway departure surface drawing k. Utility drawing l. Airport access plans m. Other sheets as necessary 2. Incorporate FAA AGIS requirements and data collection as needed, including an -18B obstruction survey, and upload data to the FAA’s Airport Data and Information Portal. 3. Develop a Capital Improvement Plan, including a recommended phasing plan and financial overview that considers local, state, federal, and alternative funding sources; 4. Establish phased, attainable goals for airport improvements and development based on a forecast for aviation demand and current and future critical aircraft; and 5. Consider the emergence of Unmanned Aircraft Systems and Advanced Air Mobility and incorporate any planning in the narrative, to include vertiport siting; 6. Develop and adopt into local zoning airport height hazard protection and airport land use compatibility measures, including associated maps, to ensure the protection of the public investment in the airport; 7. Complete and submit the Runway Safety Inventory for Non-certificated Airports, Appendix A, in accordance with FAA ARP SOP 8.0.