Contractor’s has to provide the services listed below: 1. Contractor shall develop and implement backflow protection and cross-connection control program that allows the Veterans Home of California – Yountville (VHC-Y) to be in compliance with the requirements of California’s Health and Safety Code (CHSC, section 116275 (h)). This compliance is a result of the adoption of Assembly Bill 1674 and Assembly Bill 1180. 2. Contractor shall develop and implement a program that allows for ongoing surveillance of the public water system managed by VHC-Y including guidelines for testing, certifying, and requiring backflow devices connected to the water system. 3. Contractor shall develop a cross-connection control program that includes operating rules, ordinances, bylaws, and resolutions that establish legal authority for VHC-Y to implement corrective actions when a water user fails to comply with requirements in a timely manner. 4. Contractor shall develop a recordkeeping system for the use of VHC-Y staff. 5. Contractor shall develop a written cross-connection control program for submission and approval by the California State Water Board. 6. Contractor must provide Cross-Connection Control Program, hazard assessment reports, this report is required in the first year, it is a part of the initial review.