1. SCOPE OF WORK-FILTER ANTHRACITE The scope of this Contract, including the goods and/or services needed by the City, the statement of the goods and/or services offered by the Contractor, and the City’s acceptance of the Contractor’s statement, are set forth below. 1.1. Purpose To Provide Filter Anthracite to Austin Water's Water Treatment Plants. The anthracite filter material is used at Austin Water treatment plants to remove suspended particulate matter from the water as a part of the treatment process. The City reserves the right to add or remove locations, services, or adjust frequency as deemed necessary throughout the contract term. Other City departments and locations may be added as necessary. Any items or services that have been omitted from this scope of work that are clearly necessary or in conformance of services/goods shall be considered a requirement although not directly specified or called for in the specification. Where there is a conflict, this specification will govern