The successful proposer will complete the following list of tasks on a weekly basis (unless otherwise indicated). Failure to complete the regularly scheduled tasks listed above in a timely manner may result in forfeiture of payment for the week in question. Weekly tasks shall include: 1. All grass areas shall be mowed and trimmed. Cutting height shall be within 3”- 4” depending on weather and as directed by the Winsted Water Works department head. 2. All grass to be mowed and trim around any chain-link fence in the area. 3. Walks, roadsides, curbs, light poles, fences and all other obstructions shall be trimmed. 4. Any clippings and/or organic plant matter deposited on walkways and roads shall be blown away or collected. 5. Any debris and litter found on the ground shall be picked up and disposed of. 6. All cracks and seals in walks and roadways shall be kept free of vegetation. 7. The Stowe Rd Tank and Old Wallens Tank banks shall be mowed four (4) times per season under the recommendation of Winsted Water Works Department Head. All leaves and debris shall be removed from the bank.