1. The Contractor shall furnish all manpower, equipment, and any other material necessary to clear trees in anticipation of a laydown yard near Lawson’s Pump Station, located at 5390 Pine St. Beaumont, TX 77703. 2. There’s approximately 0.52 acres of land within the project area. 3. Grubbing is included as an additive alternate and will be determined based on the bids before the award. 4. Clearing shall consist of the removal and disposal of trees, brush, vegetation, logs, and other rubbish. 5. Grubbing shall consist of removal and disposal of roots and stumps. 6. Smooth out the area after clearing and remove all debris. 7. All holes remaining after clearing and/or grubbing shall be backfilled and tamped with native soils as directed by the Project Manager. 8. The Contractor is responsible for all labor, transportation, equipment, and any other additional items needed to complete the scope of work. 9. There are Entergy power poles in the vicinity that shall be protected. Contractor is responsible for any damages to the transmission lines or poles. 10. The lump sum price shall be the total of the clearing price, to remove all trees and vegetation from the site, in accordance with the scope and details. The award will include the grubbing additive alternate if accepted.