Task A) One 100% Design Development (DD) Review with Accessibility and Universal Design Comments The Accessibility Consultant will conduct an accessibility and universal design review (521 CMR and 2010 ADA Standards) once at Design Development. In addition, the consultant will be available for a 60-minute virtual meeting if requested. The design development review is intended to focus attention on the following areas: • Site grading and details • Clearances and dimensions for building elements and spaces • Compliance of detailed elements • Attention to design and construction tolerances or any other potential problem areas. • Evidence of Universal Design being met on the project • One review meeting (it can be before or after submission of the access consultant’s report, PM depending) Deliverables for this task: • Accessibility compliance review and universal design recommendations for the issues found on drawings, compiled in a single report. The report must include Universal Design goals or principles to meet the needs of diverse users of Commonwealth programs and facilities. The format for presenting the accessibility and universal design review will be at the Accessibility Consultant’s discretion (format each section separately for example). The report must be submitted both in native tabular format (Excel file for example) and in printed PDF form. • Attendance at review meeting and meeting notes (virtual meeting) if requested by the DCAMM Project Manager. Task B) One 50% Construction Document (CD) Review with Accessibility and Universal Design Comments, plus an Element Review Schedule for Use During Construction Administration Construction Documents Review The Accessibility Consultant will conduct an accessibility and universal design review (521 CMR and 2010 ADA Standards) once at Construction Documents. In addition, the consultant will be available for a 60-minute virtual meeting if requested. The design development review is intended to focus attention on the following areas: • Site grading and details • Clearances and dimensions for building elements and spaces • Compliance of detailed elements • Attention to design and construction tolerances or any other potential problem areas. • Evidence of Universal Design Goals being met on the project • one review meeting (it can be before or after submission of the access consultant’s report, PM depending) Element Review Schedule The DCAMM Statewide Accessibility Initiative has developed a program to identify common accessibility errors during construction. The program includes several checklists which DCAMM, the contractor, and designer will use to identify potential errors before they occur. Areas to be checked include accessible parking, accessible route, toilet rooms, shower rooms, and drinking fountains. Examples of all checklists are provided as an bidding attachment for reference. For this task, the accessibility consultant is required to identify where in the project these checklists are recommended. The accessibility consultant will do this by using the form provided by DCAMM (Exhibit C). The DCAMM Accessibility Manager may ask the Accessibility Consultant to slightly modify the form (Exhibit C) according to project specific needs. The accessibility consultant will not be responsible for performing the actual CA checklists. That work will be done by DCAMM or it’s agent. • Element Review Schedule (ERS) for Accessibility Compliance during Construction Administration Deliverables for this task: • Accessibility compliance review and universal design recommendations for the issues found on drawings, compiled in a single report. The report must include Universal Design goals or principles to meet the needs of diverse users of Commonwealth programs and facilities. The format for presenting the accessibility and universal design review will be at the Accessibility Consultant’s discretion (format each section separately for example). The report must be submitted both in native tabular format (Excel file for example) and in printed PDF form. • Attendance at review meeting and meeting notes (virtual meeting) if requested by the DCAMM PM. • Develop and provide a final draft version of the Element Review Schedule (ERS) including graphic and written information instructing the Construction Administration on locations of potential common accessibility errors.