Major Tasks/ Activities: 1. Needs Assessment: See Objective 3 (c.i.1.) below. 2. Training: Develop two—partnership and coalition—evergreen, self-paced “101” trainings (by module or otherwise) to be recorded for early career or new staff. Conduct 8-10 virtual trainings/discussions/workshops annually, approximately 1-2 hours in length for CDPH-CFHL-funded projects, stakeholders, and community organizations serving the population of focus. Training topics can include, but are not limited to, coalition building and maintenance, coalition strategic/action plan development, infrastructure development (bylaws, operating procedures, etc.), community organizing, partner engagement techniques, and partnership management tools, among others. Conduct 1-2 virtual trainings annually, 1-2 hours in length for CDPH-CFHL state staff. Training topics can include but are not limited to partner engagement and partnership management, coalition building, community engagement, understanding ways to support coalition action planning and implementation activities, and supporting local health departments (LHDs) in their partner and coalition work. External subject matter experts may need to be recruited as a part of session delivery. a. Deliverable: i. Training agendas & materials ii. Participant lists iii. Training evaluations, with summary analyses and next steps recommendations...