3.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Construction of the Street Resurfacing Project is in the amount of $2,752,000, which includes contingency and construction engineering. Design is anticipated to be completed by December 2025, weather permitting. The project is in conformance with the City’s General Plan, pursuant to California Government Code Section 65402, and is exempt from the requirements of CEQA as specified under Article 19, Section 15301, Class 1, of the CEQA Guidelines. Therefore, it’s anticipated that this project shall be granted a Categorical Exemption. This project is considered a discretionary project under the City’s jurisdiction and qualifies as a project that does not significantly affect the environment. The streets resurfacing project will create safe, attractive, and unified roads. In addition, the project will continue the City of Stockton’s efforts in maintaining City streets safely and comfortably. 4.0 SCOPE OF WORK The FY 2024-25 street resurfacing project will resurface the roadways using AC overlay surface treatment. The project scope includes: preservation of all existing survey monuments, repair of base failures, pavement patch/leveling; installation of new pavement markers and striping, adjustment of existing utilities to pavement finished grade, installation of traffic detector loops, installation of ADA compliant curb ramps as necessary and removal and reconstruction of the failed curb, gutter, and sidewalk segments. The Consultant's bid alternates to limited leverage funding will be expected. Consultants shall also incorporate in their design a plan that will address positive drainage. The Consultant shall identify any site constraints and/or physical limitations/conflicts with the proposed design intent and make recommendations to address such issues through the design process. Consultants are encouraged to include items that are thought necessary for this project