Provide vendors for August 1st, 8th, 15th, and 22nd Each vendor space cannot exceed 10 x 10. Provide Insurance covering all parƟcipaƟng all vendors. Responsible for all vendor permits including, but not limited to, the State Tax Commission and Salt Lake County Health Department. ParƟcipaƟng vendors are to be arƟsan food and craŌ vendors such as fresh fruit, vegetables, breads, baked goods, jams, jellies, craŌs, jewelry, etc. No service type vendors or food trucks allowed. The City reserves the right to refuse parƟcipaƟon to any vendor. Provide a minimum of 50 parƟcipaƟng vendors for each night. Mark the vendor space each according to Riverton City Employee specificaƟon No power provided Set up at 4:00- clean up at 9:00 p.m. At the close of the event, vendors must clean up their site. Anything that is brought in must be removed. All Vendors parƟcipate at their own risk. Riverton City makes no claims or guarantees as to the number in aƩendance. No alcohol drugs or e-cigareƩes are permiƩed on city property. In the event staff believes a vendor is intoxicated or under the influence of drugs, the vendor will be asked to leave. Riverton City reserves the right to cancel at any Ɵme during the Friday Fun Night series.