The Contractor shall provide all labor, equipment, tools, materials, and traffic controls necessary for the milling and paving of existing hot mix asphalt surfaces per the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) Highway Division Standard Specifications for Highways and Bridges 2024 Edition and the current Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), for the purposes of roadway rehabilitation. Also included in the scope of this work is the adjustment, replacement, and repair of castings and structures in the affected roadway. All work shall comply with the Town of Needham Standard Construction Specifications as determined by the Engineering Division. Work may be a part of but not limited to the following construction operations: 1) binder on compacted finish gravel grade, 2) overlay, 3) mill & overlay, 4) leveling and overlay, 5) partial construction, and 5) complete construction. The finished surface shall be such that it will not vary more than one-quarter (1/4”) inch from a ten (10) foot straight edge applied to the surface parallel to and at right angles to the center line.