This RFP aims to establish a comprehensive list of approved providers for IT Staffing Services. Proposers are required to submit proposals for a range of IT technical and professional staffing services, ensuring access to qualified talent across various specialties. A sample list is below: • EHR/EMR Specialists – Implementation, training, and support. • Health IT Project Management – Project managers, Business & Application Analyst • Healthcare Data & Analytics – Data analysts, BI specialists, data engineers. • Clinical Informatics – Clinical application and pharmacy informatics specialists. • Health IT Security & Compliance – Cybersecurity, HIPAA compliance, risk analysts. • Software Development & Integration – Developers, interface engineers, cloud specialists. • Medical Coding & Revenue Cycle IT – Coders, billing specialists, HIM analysts. • Telehealth & Remote Monitoring IT – Telehealth tech, virtual care support. • Health IT Helpdesk & Support – Helpdesk, desktop, and field support. After reviewing the submitted proposals, the County will select the providers whose services best meet the County's evaluation criteria and contracting requirements, subject to negotiation of a final and executed agreement before starting any services. The County will not guarantee minimum utilization or expenditures with any provider during the proposed period. Approved providers may be dropped from the program for lack of responsiveness or submissions that consistently do not meet the County's requirements. Authorized service providers will receive detailed requirements for each contingency staffing request as needed throughout the term of the awarded Agreement. The provider must be able to: 1. Review and understand the requirements released by the County; 2. Maintain sufficient levels of pre-qualified consultants to provide top-quality service by the established request deadlines, generally one to two weeks; 3. Submit a comprehensive consultant proposal that describes the consultant's knowledge and experience concerning the County's requirements. Resumes will not be accepted...