The purpose of this Invitation for Bid (IFB) is to provide excellent customer service and promote the efficiency and accessibility of remitting in-person cash, credit/debit card child support payments. DCSS seeks a payment service provider to accept cash, checks, credit, and debit card payments for child support through free-standing payment kiosks, mobile and web applications. The contractor shall accept and process child support payments through kiosks in the current locations, and additional kiosks in other county government departments and courts, as well as incorporate the use of a mobile and web payment application. These services shall be in accordance with the attached Sample Contract, Exhibit A, Scope of Work. These locations may be kiosks for child support purposes only or child support payments may be added to kiosks owned by the contractor, if the contractor’s other client (e.g. other local, state government agencies) agrees to the addition of the child support application. Although the number of potential additional locations is not known at this time, all locations and relocations of kiosks under the Agreement must be in the best interest of customers. The decision for any addition or relocation of kiosks shall be decided by the local child support agencies (LCSAs) and be subject to the approval of DCSS.