• Rodent Bait Containers which can be secured to specific locations. • 30 Rodent fertility treatment stations appropriately sized for rats & high-volume liquid bait (900ML) which can be secured to specific locations. • Non-lethal rodent lures • Non-lethal rodent sterilization tanks (450ML) and feeding trays • Rodent Bait Trays which can be secured to specific locations. • Awarded Bidder will be required to use ContraPest or any other rodent fertility product that has proven to be efficacious and has been independently verified by a third party. This would include Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) Exempt Minimal Risk Products. INSTALLATION / LABOR: Awarded Bidder shall perform the following tasks: • Installation and removal of rodent bait stations, bait containers, rodent repellant, and sterilizing materials • Removal and disposal of dead rodents • Install 30 rodent treatment stations, rodent lures and sterilizing materials. • Ensure installation meets management’s approval. • May require high elevation install and camouflage efforts. • Removal of all equipment is required at the end of the contract...