V-1 Mobilization & Demobilization (5% maximum of Total Base Bid) 1 LS V-2 Project Spill Prevention Plan 1 LS V-3 State required line item for Labor Code Section 6705 and 6707 – trench excavation plan and sheeting, shoring, and bracing including all labor, equipment, and materials 1 LS V-4 Storm Water Pollution Prevention and Erosion Control 1 LS V-5 Special Remote Site Set-up 1 LS V-6 Third party professional preconstruction videos 1 LS V-7 Special Traffic Control plans 1 LS V-8 Public Notification per Special Provisions 3-11.2 1 LS V-9 Lining of 6” pipe using CIPP (includes cleaning pre and post video, flow diversion, traffic control, removal and disposal of roots and debris) 2,823 LF V-10 Lining of 8” pipe using CIPP (includes cleaning pre and post video, flow diversion, traffic control, removal and disposal of roots and debris.) 3,973 LF