The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to solicit proposals from qualified printers for the production of High School Yearbooks. Proposer shall provide software for creation, development, training, print, bind, and deliver yearbooks as specified by Cupertino High School, Fremont High School District, Homestead High School, Lynbrook High School and Monta Vista High School. All proposals will include inside delivery of yearbooks to Cupertino High School, Fremont High School District, Homestead High School, Lynbrook High School and Monta Vista High School and to one (1) designated location within each building. The staff at Cupertino High School, Fremont High School District, Homestead High School, Lynbrook High School and Monta Vista High School will retain exclusive right and control over the design of the yearbook. The proposer will strictly adhere to layouts and accompanying printing instructions.