The City of Lancaster (COL) seeks a licensed and professional Security Contractor to establish a 1-year agreement for the immediate deployment of armed private security officers at fixed post and patrol assignments throughout the City. The Contractor must be able to provide up to ten (10) uniformed armed security officers with vehicles per day, seven days per week. This shall consist of providing one (1) two-man vehicle and/or foot patrol 24 hours per day seven days a week and staffing two to four one-man fixed post five days (Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM). The contractor must provide comprehensive security services, including but not limited to, protecting City properties (buildings, parks) and assets (vehicles and property), providing physical security at entry and exit points, patrolling City parking lots and critical areas, interacting with the public, and assisting City staff and visitors as needed. All security officers must be licensed, experienced, and familiar with public contact security. These officers will operate in a manner which respects the reasonable expectations of privacy and security of persons and property.