Oregon State University intends to contract for the provision of an Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting Suicide Prevention Helpline from AgriSafe Network as a sole source based on the uniqueness (design, capability, nature) of the goods and/or services. The Helpline must be available 24/7 by call or text, and needs to be accessed in multiple languages with the help of interpreters. AgriStress Helpline staff complete 300 hours of professional development, including an overview of state-specific agricultural contexts, and ongoing quarterly training in agricultural stress topics. AgriStress Helpline staff are aware of state- or regional-level agricultural events that may impact call volume, for example a disaster, community tragedy, or reports of yields that may impact financial well-being. Staff knowledge of state-specific data on agricultural issues allows responders to better understand what agriculture community callers/texters are struggling with. AgriSafe offers tailored support to a population that is vulnerable to suicide, and offers 24/7 crisis and referral and can be accessed in up to 160 languages with the help of interpreters.