SCOPE: Contractor will expose the end of an existing 4-inch PVC pipe and extend it to the proposed bulk water station location. The pipe will transition to ductile iron and extend vertically to an elevation approximately 36-inches above ground. The location will be field determined by City staff. Contractor shall provide an hourly and daily rate for a four person crew to include supervision, equipment operation, labor, equipment, vehicles, and tools needed to complete the work. MINIMUM SPECIFICATIONS: 1. Contractor must demonstrate insurance coverage meeting the City’s minimum coverage limits. 2. Contractor shall provide an itemized price per hour and day rates, with any minimums clearly shown, for on-site supervision, equipment operation and labor for a total 4-person crew. 3. Contractor shall provide an itemized price per hour and day rates, with any minimums clearly shown, for all vehicles, equipment, and tools needed to install 4-inch C900 PVC and ductile iron pipe. 4. Contractor shall be responsible for line location requests.