The work includes drilling pilot hole up to 500 feet, geophysical logging, reaming the pilot borehole, geophysical logging, installing well casings and screens, placing filter pack and annular seal, developing the well and production testing of the well. The work also includes existing well site demolition and abandonment of the existing Northridge Well #9. CONTRACTOR shall complete all work as specified or indicated in the Agreement. The work includes but it is not limited to: • Obtain all necessary permits • Move on and off site • Install conductor casing and sanitary seal to a depth of approximately 75 feet • Drill a 38-inch diameter borehole to 225 feet • Furnish and install 30-inch diameter intermediate casing to 225 feet and seal annulus • Drill a 28-inch diameter borehole below intermediate casing to 500 feet • Construct 18-inch diameter production well, install filter pack and annular seal • Develop the well • Test pump the well • Acquire borehole geophysical logs • Conduct Caliper Survey, X-Y Borehole Geometry Surveys, Plumbness Test, Alignment Test • Remove existing well improvements and abandon existing well