Description: The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) operates ATEC Model 8000 samplers to collect carbonyl samples to meet United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) air monitoring requirements. The Model 8000 samplers require annual preventive maintenance to ensure proper operations according to the manufacturers and US EPA requirements. The TCEQ is contracting out the preventive maintenance of up to eight samplers, annually. This purchase order will be for one year with the option to renew for up to two additional years for a total of three years. MINIMUM GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS 1. The ATEC 8000 annual preventive maintenance must be completed by an ATEC certified technician. 2. Annual Maintenance must be completed and returned to the TCEQ within 30 calendar days of sampler receipt (except if repairs are required). 3. Annual Preventive Maintenance will include: A. Inspection of inlet and outlet manifolds and solenoid valves. Cleaning and replacement of the seals and coils, if needed. B. Inspection and replacement of defective tubing and fittings. C. Inspection and calibration of mass flow controllers. D. Replacement of potassium iodide (KI) ozone denuder with a new certified ozone denuder. Perform certification on removed ozone denuder to verify compliance during sampling period. E. Replacement of the Teflon particulate filter. F. Upgrade to the most current software available. 4. The contractor will conduct a performance verification prior to returning the maintenance samplers to the TCEQ, to include: A. Completion of passing leak checks for each port/channel (flows less than 0.03 liters per minute). B. Completion of passing flow checks for each port/channel (relative percent difference less than plus/minus (+) 10 percent. C. Completion of sampler test run whereby each port is sampled for a onehour period and channels 2 and 3 are run concurrently for 4 and 8 hours respectively with no errors. D. A Maintenance/Repair record and Ozone Certification report will be shipped with each sampler. The Maintenance/Repair report will provide a check list of procedures performed along with 5-point calibration data of each flow controller. The Ozone Certification report provides test data to verify compliance with USEPA NATTS and PAMS specifications. An electronic copy of these documents will also be sent to the TCEQ Program Manager at the conclusion of the maintenance contract.