1. DESCRIPTION: The purpose of this Invitation to Bid (ITB) is to obtain a contractor to provide cards for use by the Ohio Department of Health. 2. QUANTITY: 1000 PEP cards (exact quantity) (two versions) 500 “Immunocompromised cards Previously Vaccinated” and 500 “Post Exposure Not Previously Vaccinated cards” 4. SPECIFICATIONS: PEP cards (exact quantity) (two versions) 500 “Immunocompromised cards” and 500 “Immunocompetent cards” 20 mil PVC, 2.0” x 3.5”, two sided, rounded corners, digital olor process, with bleeds, matte finished with a rectangular portrait slot punch in the middle top of the card at the top of the card to accommodate the attachment of a badge reel and laminated. A. SIZE: 2.0” x 3.5”; B. STOCK: White matte finish 20 mil thickness, PVC plastic; C. PRESSWORK: Shall print two sides, head-to-head, digital color with bleeds. D. INK: digital color with bleeds. E. BINDERY: 2.0” x 3.5” with a rectangular portrait slot punch in the middle top of the card to accommodate the attachment of a badge reel. Printer to determine the location and size of the rectangular slot punch, slot punch shall not interfere with any text on the card. Cards shall be laminated. F. FINISHED TRIM SIZE: 2.0” x 3.5” with rounded corners with a rectangular portrait slot punch in the middle top of the card to accommodate the attachment of a badge reel