The Contractor shall perform a thorough inspection and repairs at DCA, BAR Fresno facility on fourteen (14) Autolift of America, model NW6 or similar vehicle storage lifts using the Contractor’s own tools/equipment as follows: a. Inspect the vehicle storage lifts for cracks and hydraulic fluid leaks. b. Verify that each vehicle storage lift is level, square and plumb. c. Torque all fasteners to specifications. d. Inspect cables and pulleys and adjust cables as needed. e. Top off hydraulic pump fluid reservoir as needed with approved hydraulic fluid. f. Verify proper operation of each lift with a vehicle placed on the lift. g. Clean up any material/fluid after the work has been completed. h. Provide a detailed report on the work performed on each vehicle storage lift. i. All travel and per diem shall be included in the total cost of the service.