A. Description of Services/Background: 1. Contractor shall provide all necessary materials, supplies, tools, equipment, transportation, licenses, permits, prevailing wages, insurance, bonds, and personnel to: provide the DSH with Water Based Fire Protection System Inspection and Repair. 2. Please carefully review and consider the minimum qualifications, and the detailed Scope of Work located in Attachment 19, Sample Agreement, Exhibit A, Scope of Work, in order to complete your bid. 3. DSH-Napa is seeking a qualified contractor to maintain, repair and certify DSH-Napa’s fire protection system (fire sprinklers, pumps, standpipes, fire department connections, post indicator valves and other elements of the buildings fire sprinkler systems. Contractor to ensure systems meet the requirements set forth within National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) 25, Standard for Inspection, Testing and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems.