The work under this Contract consists of furnishing all necessary labor, materials and equipment required for bottleneck and intersection improvements along Great Road and at four (4) separate intersections – Loomis Street, Marketplace Driveway, South Road/Springs Road, and Mudge Wayin the Town of Bedford, Massachusetts. At Signal Location No. 1 (Great Road at Loomis Street) and Signal Location No. 2 (Great Road at Marketplace Driveway), the work includes traffic signal equipment removal and replacement. New traffic signal equipment will include a video detection system and emergency preemption system installation. Additional work at Location No. 1 includes the installation of new pedestrian curb ramps. At Signal Location No. 3 (Great Road at South Road and Springs Road) and Signal Location No. 4 (Great Road at Mudge Way), the work includes installation of a video detection system and modification of signal timings.