Specifications include, but are not limited to: Maintenance for Vertiv Liebert EXM 208V Uninterruptible Power System To include: * On-Site Service: 1 Annual and 1 Semi-Annual Preventive Maintenance Services on Vertiv UPS and Vertiv internal batteries. * Response Time: 4-hour on-site emergency response, 7 days/week, 24 hours/day. * Parts: Includes parts coverage (excluding air filters, proactive full bank capacitor replacement, and fan replacement). * Internal Battery Coverage: Includes parts, labor, disposal and battery jars as required * Labor & Travel: Includes 100% labor and travel coverage 7 days/week, 24 hours/day. * Service Professional: Must be performed by Vertiv factory trained and authorized technician. Vertiv Services is the OEM service provider for Liebert products. * Battery Recycling: Includes battery recycling as required, with documentation meeting EPA requirements.