Furnish labor, materials, tools, appliances, services, and facilities; perform work and services for accomplishments and completion of all work indicated on drawings, if applicable, and described in these specifications, in accordance with all portions of Contract Documents, Change Orders issued thereto, and Building Code. Work includes, but is not limited to, providing all demolition work for removal and subsequent disposal of the building structures indicated in the Notice to Bidders. All other structures on the properties will also be removed including storage buildings and shade structures. (See attached specification drawings detailing the removal of fences.) All remaining debris, weeds, or brush on the lot(s) must be scraped clean and disposed of properly at the City of Laredo Landfill. Lot(s) mut be leveled to the original grade. Do not remove any healthy trees that are four inches or more in diameter. Exceptions for the removal of such tress will be if the tree is in a dry, unsafe, and unhealthy state