The Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, equipment, supplies, tools and supervision necessary to collect and dispose of Used Cooking Oil generated by ESH on the schedule stated in Section 7 of the Pricing Schedule, as stated herein on page 19.: Equipment: Bulk bin(s) poly-cubes, or barrel(s) (“TCE Equipment”) equivalent to 55 US Gallons for the collection of all Used Cooking Oil, free of contaminants and non-renderable materials including without limitation, paper, plastic, glass, metal, trash, pesticides, and inorganic materials (“UCO”). Disposal: All oil removed from the Agency shall be disposed (recycled) in a State-approved manner. The Contractor shall provide evidence of such methods. Title to the UCO will pass to the vendor once collected in the TCE Equipment. Containers shall either be emptied completely or swapped during each collection. The transfer of oil from containers to collection vehicles shall be performed with a minimum of spillage and pollution of the atmosphere or surrounding areas. Contractor shall clean up any spillage that occurs as a result of collection or transportation. The Contractor shall be responsible for all damages to Agency property caused by the Contractor’s equipment or employees to existing utilities and structures (i.e., water lines, electric conduits, sewer lines, buildings, asphalt, sidewalks, curbing and plantings). Pickups: The Agency will notify Contractor of any containers missed during scheduled service days. The Contractor shall be responsible for same or next-day pick-up of all containers missed on service days in which they fail to complete the service within the scheduled hours of operation. The Contractor shall have those containers picked up the day of notification at no additional cost to the Agency. Vehicles or other impediments to timely pick-ups shall be reported immediately to the Director of Buildings and Grounds. The Agency may request an unscheduled pick/service of containers. When outside the normal pickup/service schedule the Contractor shall bill at the contracted rate for such service. Should inclement weather conditions or delays beyond the control of the Contractor interrupt or delay the service schedule, the Contractor shall advise the Agency of the work stoppage or delay, and advise the Agency of the alternate pick-up time/s. The services described herein are to be performed between the hours of 5:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., Monday through Sunday, to accommodate the number of pickups required by the Agency. For pickups scheduled on a Monday that fall on a holiday shall be accomplished on the previous business day.