EXIT 282 portion of this project is for ride improvement. There are several high and low spots to even out; it will be necessary to survey the grade and mill existing asphalt to produce a smooth and even surface to place new asphalt, in order to provide a safe travel lane for the public. Contractor will provide all labor, equipment, materials, incidentals and traffic control necessary to produce, haul, place, tack and compact approximately 382 tons of ¾” Commercial Plant Mix Grade S 58H-34 asphalt mix material. The overlay shall be paved .15 feet thick and approximately 27 feet wide and 1,320 feet long. Central Ave. West portion of this project is a mill and fill. Contractor will provide all labor, equipment, materials, incidentals and traffic control necessary to produce, haul, place, tack and compact approximately 468 tons of ¾” Commercial Plant Mix Grade S 58H-34asphalt mix material. The overlay shall be paved .15 feet thick and of varying widths approximately 800 feet long. This segment of road starts 2-lane and goes to 1-lane. There is also a turn lane and the approach at 1st NW that are included. There are 2 manholes, and a water shut off. Contractor shall provide all labor, equipment, materials, traffic control and incidentals necessary to produce, haul, place, roll and broom approximately 9,000 square yards of laid-in-place chip seal, between the two locations. Contractor shall provide CRS-2P asphalt emulsion and Type 1 chips. Contractor will be allowed to close EXIT 282 while work is in progress. Detour must be set. EXIT must be opened as soon as the work is complete for the day. Traffic control with pilot cars must be maintained until all work is complete each day for the Central West location as determined by the Project Manager. The emulsion application rate for chip seals is estimated at .43 gallons per square yard. The cover material application rate is estimated at 25 pounds per square yard. Actual application rates will be based on the chip design and the actual field adjustments. If the cover material application rate of 25 pounds per square yard is not sufficient to provide a quality job, the Project Managers will jointly determine what the new application rate should be. Contractor must furnish a water truck for dust control and wetting of chips. Arrangements must be made by the Contractor for acquiring water for wetting and sweeping.