Parcel 1 – 1822-24 North 27th Street – 2-story frame multi-family dwelling Remove fire-damaged dwelling. garage slabs, sidewalks, concrete steps, trees, bushes and shrubs. Contractor shall be responsible for removal of all tree stumps on this parcel as part of the demolition. Alley access. Prior to demolition, the contractor must meet at the site with the Condemnation Inspector to provide a demolition plan. Contractor must also notify neighbors on the block face of the demolition that demolition activity is about to begin. This notification shall be done via a department-approved letter or door knocker. The inspection report from Harenda Management Group is included. BID PRICE MUST INCLUDE THE PROPER REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL OF ANY ASBESTOSCONTAINING MATERIALS OR ANY OTHER HAZARDOUS MATERIALS LISTED IN THE REPORT FROM HMG REQUIRED TO BE ABATED BEFORE MECHANICAL DEMOLITION. ON SITE MONITORING BY A CERTIFIED ASBESTOS SPECIALIST WILL BE REQUIRED DURING DEMOLITION. THIS COST IS TO BE INCLUDED IN THE BID PRICE. (14 days to complete) Parcel 2 – 1651-53 South 31st Street – 1-story frame garage Remove garage and garage slabs. Contractor shall be responsible for removal of all tree stumps on this parcel as part of the demolition. Alley access. Prior to demolition, the contractor must meet at the site with the Condemnation Inspector to provide a demolition plan. Contractor must also notify neighbors on the block face of the demolition that demolition activity is about to begin. This notification shall be done via a departmentapproved letter or door knocker. The inspection report from Harenda Management Group is included. BID PRICE MUST INCLUDE THE PROPER REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL OF ANY ASBESTOSCONTAINING MATERIALS OR ANY OTHER HAZARDOUS MATERIALS LISTED IN THE REPORT FROM HMG REQUIRED TO BE ABATED BEFORE MECHANICAL DEMOLITION. (1 day to complete) Parcel 3 –1952 North 31st Street - 2-story Masonry Commercial Building Remove commercial building, driveways, driveway approaches, sidewalks, fences, (3) curb cuts, trees, bushes and shrubs. Contractor shall be responsible for removal of all tree stumps on this parcel as part of the demolition. BECAUSE DEMOLITION WILL RESULT IN THE DISCONTINUANCE OF THE USE OF AN EXISTING DRIVEWAY, REMOVAL OF THE DRIVEWAY AND RESTORATION OF THE STREET PAVEMENT, CURB, GUTTER AND SIDEWALK SHALL BE A CONDITION OF THE ISSUANCE OF THE DEMOLITION PERMIT IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 218-6-10 OF THE MILWAUKEE CODE OF ORDINANCES. THE COST OF STREET PAVEMENT, CURB, GUTTER AND SIDEWALK REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT IS TO BE INCLUDED IN THE BID PRICE. CONCRETE WORK MUST BE DONE BY A LICENSED CONCRETE CONTRACTOR UNDER DPW PERMIT IN ACCORDANCE WITH DPW SPECIFICATIONS. ANY AND ALL APPLICABLE PERMIT FEES ARE TO BE INCLUDED IN THE BID PRICE. TYPE 1 BARRICADES WITH FLASHERS MUST BE PLACED IN THE ROAD AFTER CURB REMOVAL. BARRICADES MUST BE PLACED AT EACH END OF WALK REMOVAL. ANY WINTER PROTECTION OF CONCRETE IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. Prior to demolition, the contractor must meet at the site with the Condemnation Inspector to provide a demolition plan. Contractor must also notify neighbors on the block face of the demolition that demolition activity is about to begin. This notification shall be done via a department-approved letter or door knocker.