1. Annual Maintenance Services Tyler will provide Annual Maintenance services for the Tyler Software products providing the Tyler Software License and Maintenance Agreement is in good standing and all annual maintenance fees are paid when due. Maintenance fees are due upon the earlier of the date of first production use of the Tyler Software or twelve months after first installation of the Tyler Software into the Customer’s development environment. Thereafter maintenance fees must be paid in advance by each anniversary date. Annual Maintenance services shall consist of the following: a) Reasonable telephone, email or web support regarding function and use of Tyler Software; b) Analysis and correction of reported software malfunctions; and c) Software updates, including hotfixes and upgrades, to the Tyler Software as released from time to time by Tyler. 1. Customer may incur costs associated with the implementation of releases and enhancements. These costs vary depending on services provided, and may involve data migration, installation, training and/or configuration of the update as well as the possible need to modify any customized version of software developed specifically for customer’s use. Tyler will provide customer with a cost quotation for the implementation of any enhancement, if applicable. Please refer to the Tyler Maintenance Program for further details.