General Mowing: All locations will be mowed at intervals listed in Appendix A or as determined by the City of Bryant. Mowing intervals may vary due to weather conditions or special events. The mowing season is scheduled approximately from March through October. • Grass should be cut at 2"-3" by means of appropriate equipment (i.e. mower, trimmer, edger, etc.) as not to rut or erode ground area to be maintained up to buildings, sidewalks, or curbs, etc. All vegetation removed from sidewalks, curbs, cracks in hard surfaces, etc. • With each mowing, all edges will be left neat and trimmed. Every cut, where any area grass meets buildings, piers, foundations, etc., should be neatly blended or trimmed to grass cut height. All sidewalks, curb lines, will be edged, not tapered. • Care shall be taken to avoid marring of trees, shrubbery, and other vegetation by equipment. If excessive damage occurs, contractor will be responsible for repair or replacement. Care shall be taken to not cause ruts in grass after it rains. • Removal and disposal of all litter. Mulching or bagging of grass. Any bagged vegetation and debris must be removed from the property. Under no circumstances will mowing debris be left on the property or blown to street, curb, sidewalks, drains, or other property. • All clippings must be cleared off all sidewalks, driveways, streets, etc. Clippings on lawn areas must be adequately dispersed to leave a neat appearance. Any bagged clippings must be removed from the property. • Monthly or every fourth visit weeding of landscaped beds • Off season removal of leaves as scheduled by the City of Bryant. • Other lawn sprinkler system repairs, etc. and or any non-recurring supplemental seeding or sodding, tree, brush, or vegetation removal will be sought and invoiced on an as needed basis. • The City of Bryant reserves the right to schedule mowing either more or less frequently as provided herein depending on growing conditions. • All mowing will be done in accordance with the State and Local regulations – (i.e. hours of operations, noise, etc.) • The City of Bryant reserves the right to add or subtract areas to the contract. If additions are made, the price will be negotiated between the City of Bryant and the successful bidder.