The Public Service Commission (PSC) Office of the Commissioner of Railroads has requirements in place for Joint Inspection Reports between the railroad and a traffic light maintainer (City of Madison). These requirements are as follows: At least once every 12 months, and whenever the warning time system is modified, the railroad and traffic light maintainer shall jointly verify that the traffic lights and crossing lights are properly sequenced and that enough time is provided for traffic to clear from the nearby intersection before a train enters the crossing. Joint Inspection Forms shall be filed by the railroad with the Office using the Joint Inspection portal. Reports for previous years may be submitted to so that they can be retained. The joint inspection shall follow the WisDOT Traffic Engineering, Operations & Safety Manual, § 4-2-34, and be documented on the WisDOT Railroad Preemption Inspection Form, a copy of which shall be filed with the Office within 15 days of the inspection by the railroad using the Office online portal.