The project includes rehabilitation of approximately 445 LF of existing roadway between W. Water Street & Spring Street. Road rehabilitation work includes pulverizing existing asphaltic pavement, regrading the combined pulverized pavement and existing gravel base course, removal of any excess base material, proof roll of roadway base and any required undercut, and placement of new asphaltic pavement. Project work also includes removal of existing ribbon & standard concrete curb, removal of existing concrete sidewalk ramps, and construction of new concrete curb & ADA curb ramps. There are (86) existing storm structures along Spring Water Alley that will require tuck pointing and sealing of the existing pipe collars. These storm structures will be brought to proposed grade with new adjustment rings. One storm structure will require a new concrete lid and storm sewer will be extended and re-laid for a portion of the project. Two bid alternatives shall be considered in conjunction with this project: Bid Alternate #1 includes removal of existing asphaltic pavement from the angled parking stalls adjacent to Spring Water Alley followed by new asphaltic paving of the parking area. Bid Alternate #2 includes removal of existing asphaltic pavement from the parking lot adjacent to Spring Water Alley followed by new asphaltic paving of the parking lot.