Specifications include, but are not limited to: The Maintenance and Repair of Jane Way Drainage Canal located within the Mossy Oaks neighborhood. The intention of this effort is to restore the capacity of the selected drainage areas to full functionality thereby reducing the potential for flooding events. 1. Clean and regrade ditch within the limits identified on the map. A walk through is available upon request. 2. Remove all trees and vegetative debris from the annotated areas found on the attachment. Debris may either be mulched or removed in bulk whichever is more cost effective and approved by the City of Beaufort. 3. Non organic debris found in the three principal drainage areas will be removed by the contractor and disposed of using City of Beaufort provided containers onsite. The City of Beaufort will arrange the removal of the mass non organic trash container from the job site once complete. 4. Access point for maintenance and repair must be made through the Beaufort Middle School unless specifically coordinated and authorized by the City of Beaufort. 5. Maintenance and Repair work will be coordinated by the City of Beaufort on a not to interfere basis with the academic calendar of after school intramural sporting events. Work on weekends is authorized but in no case will work extend past 8:00pm on any night. 6. Fouling, for any reason, any portions of South Drive during this maintenance work is not authorized unless coordinated by the City of Beaufort. 7. This job may last no more than 14 Calendar days once work has commenced. 8. When regrading according to the plans, the slope of the regraded areas will be seeded with grass or another element agreeable to the SC Department of Health and Environmental Control and the City of Beaufort. 9. Equipment may be stored upon the Beaufort Middle School in a location coordinated by the City of Beaufort and authorized by the Beaufort County School District but at the risk of the contractor. 10. A weekly status meeting is required between the contractor, the City of Beaufort and any other stakeholder designated by the City of Beaufort at a time and place of mutual agreement of all parties. 11. Payment will be made within one week following the successful completion of this job.